

I wish people would be honest. I recently had someone plagerize a previous post of mine (the 20 realizations post) on his LiveJournal. Althought not entirely verbatim, a great deal of it was only slightly reworded. A reader of my blog could (and did) identify the similiarties rather obviously. The only reason I make haste to post about it here is because he went and deleted the levelheaded, understanding comment I left him about his restatement of my words. Readers of his LiveJournal will think those words and ideas are his ...and that gets under my skin. It is crazy how my peers (and even myself) are so apt to copy-paste for reports and essays and not think a thing about it. I am now on the other side of this plagerisim, and it makes the situation totally different. It made me genuinely sad to read his post. I felt stupid that my words could, in a way, be used against me and become someone elses'. I guess imitation is the strongest form of flattery, and in a way, I am flattered that his words hit that close to home with him. However, a simple message of gratitude and agreement would have been much better than a plagerized post in a LiveJournal that I found out about indirectly.

In other news, I think I am fucking up with dating/relationships/ seeing people/making out/lusting after/dealing with guys in general. I am all over the place. I don't know what I want. I used to feel one way and then another way the next day; it has steadily progressed to a state of complete confusion: I think I am hurting some people. I think I am confusing some people. I think I might be leading some people on. I think I might appear to be more aloof than I thought I was. Overall, I wish...well, I don't know what I wish. I just want to appologize for my current state of disorientation and distraction.

Well, my feet hurt. Bedtime.


Blogger Jaded Gazelle said...

You'll figure things out, Mark. I know you are capable of it :)

5/15/2005 02:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're such a nice guy, Mark. I want to be more than just friends....

5/15/2005 06:18:00 PM  
Blogger Mark said...

....alright, you know how to reach me, Mr. Anonymous :)

5/16/2005 12:46:00 PM  

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