

I suppose I have neglected the blog for a little while; i give my appologies to all of you avid readers out there (haha). This week has been...dynamic. A lot has changed in my life, a lot hasn't changed. I've seen people that I used to hang out with all the time and I've met some new people too. My feelings towards UF remain ambivalent: I like the campus, the classes, the diversity....I hate living at Beaty, I hate the amount of people, and overall I feel like I am missing some aspect of the college experience. Call me a dreamer but I always envisioned myself at a Northern school with prestige, beauty, and intelligence...maybe not Ivy League (no, definitely not Ivy League) but something more than....this. I really cant qualify any further what I am trying to say...UF is just an interesting yet bland kind of place.

On a happier note, I have been so much happier since this weekend, for reasons some of you may know about and that others of you are completely unaware of. I can't really say I've ever been able to walk around with a smile on my face and have so few emotionally detrimental thoughts as I have had this week. Such a relief. I think my life is starting to take an upswing, finally. Or at least I hope it is (or will soon). But I am going to try and remain optimistic about it, I am finished with always being miserable with myself. And yes, you can quote me on that.

Well, I have successfuly fulfilled my blogging requirement for the day. Leave a comment or something; give me something to read in exchange for this post. Thanks and so long....


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